Sunday, August 22, 2010

The BABES go to the movies!

Sunday, August 22nd will always be a special memory for me. I gathered 26 Babes and off we went to see the move eat pray love. It was very special to have that many ladies that have travelled to Bali with me (or are booked for this November) all together. Afterwards, everyone came back to my house and we shared our favorite memories of Bali. Below is a copy from Marjorie H. (trip #7) of her favorite memories. We dined on Richard's famous Zambucca Prawns as well as Nasi Goreng, Chicken and Pork Satays with peanut sauce and a lovely Mango Salad with abit of cilantro and sambal. We washed all of this down with some fantastic wine...because the Babes do like to have the odd beverage!
Favourite Memory One: This was the walk through the rice fields, which according to my journal, actually started with a walk from Kumara Sakti in Ubud to a nearby family compound, then to a local temple where there were woodcarvers making new panels for a building. From there, we wandered towards those beautiful rice fields where we saw everyday life and homes in Bali, most delightful of which were the duck herders with their quacking charges grabbing for the eels and insects among the rice reeds. This narrow, winding path led us past small artists' and jewellers' studios, charming bed-and-breakfast inns and beautiful traditional buildings overlooking lush green valleys. Amongst all this treasure is the Organik Restaurant, a lovely oasis where we stopped for an ambrosial meal. We passed women gathering the rice harvest, an occasional person on a bicycle or even a motorcycle on this narrow walkway, and the small shrines to Dewi, the goddess of the ricefields. It was totally worth the sweat!

Favourite Memory Two: This was the day we had free for shopping in Ubud, which my roomie and I did with complete abandon, finishing up for me with the purchase of a genuine priest's bell with a pure and lovely sound. Our exhausted selves sorely required refreshment after this satisfying exertion, and we stopped in at the Cafe Lotus, which looks from the street like many other restaurants. Once inside, however, you are sat by the edge of a large lotus pond, with lotuses in all stages of bloom, and there across the far end of the water sits a temple which cannot help but put anyone looking at it into a calm and peaceful state of mind. It was a complete bonus for us on a hot day!

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